February 12, 2025
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“Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives and welcomes one child like this in my name receives me. “ – Matthew 18:3-4

It was this amazing bible scripture that inspired Masana Maluleke (17) to start a clothing line that represents Christians in a new and interesting way.

Maluleke started a clothing brand called “boy4God/ girl4God. It is a Christian brands that expresses the relationship between God and his children.

FILE PHOTO: A model wearing Maluleke’s #Girl4God range from one his brand. PICTURE: Supplied

“Christian Brands don’t cater for the youth, I didn’t want to be mediocre, I wanted to be different,” said Maluleke.

He wants to design a brand that speaks to God’s children. To capture the attention of the youth.

“My advice is that you create your own thing, don’t try and copy anyone. Move at your own pace and people will catch up. Your design might not be cool now but eventually, people will catch on,” he said.

His passion for clothes was in him ever since he was a child. His love for design started when he wanted to have a hoodie that has his name and during a conversation with a friend.

He realized that is not possible to do so. Unless you have a registered brand name. He thought to himself Lord, what name can you give me that glorifies you? The Boy4God/ Girl4God names came after those thoughts and he knew that this what he wanted.

FILE PHOTO: A male model showcasing the creation of Maluleke’s #Boy4God brand. PICTURE: Supplied

Maluleka has a very simple way of ensuring that his brand final product is produced and ready for the market. He still uses the traditional way of delivering his orders.

He takes his design to a manufacturing company after he has bought plain t-shirts and hoodies from a local shop. He then advertises his clothes on his Instagram account @Boy4God @Children4God then once an order is requested he personally delivers them from house to house.

He says that he wants to continue pursuing fashion as a career and he draws his inspiration from the likes of Kanye West And Montell Fish, who owns clothing brands as well.

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